The city that also know how to make choro - Jornal da Tarde
[Choro] is in the veins of an “abnormal” young man of 20 years old who shadows veteran musicians like a phantom....
Danilo Brito, winner of the Visa Award of MPB 2004 is a mandolinist who causes chills in those who whatch him. People of the old guard say that he can only be the reincarnation of the incomparable Jacob do Bandolim, who died in 1969.
“I cannot say anything about it. But he is abnormal. I’ve seen this kid learn in 10 minutes what I needed 10 year of study to get”, says the guitar player and luthier Manoel Andrade.
Danilo himself, always in a tie and suit like Jacob, smiles when people give a supernatural explanation for his virtuosity.
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Jacob and Danilo Brio: astonishing virtues
The legend has come to the new generation of choro players. Danilo Brito, 20, has been compared to the master Jacob do Bandolim by many instrumentalists who have heard him play. “They say that even my temperment is similar to his.”